


All our opals are listed on our store in AUSTRALIAN $ Dollars.

We are not responsible for discrepancies in currency exchange rates offered by different companies.

Jackson Opals have a number of payment options available. These include the following:

Credit Cards
We accept all major credit and debit cards as payment, processed through Shopifys payment gateway system that is built into our website. We can accept card payments over the phone if necessary. 

We accept PayPal payments via our website checkout.

Now available! It's the time to divide and achieve with PayPal Pay in 4!

  • Make interest-free payments.
  • No late fees.
  • Get a decision in seconds.
  • Backed by the same security and PayPal Buyer Protection you expect from PayPal.
  • Available at millions of merchants online.

Australian Bank transfer 
We accept Australian Dollar bank transfers with Australian Customers only. Please email us and we will provide our BSB and Account Number.